Regarding the search engines, the following calculations can be carried out for
the two types of biological molecules:
- Nucleic acids (DNA and RNA):
- Energy minimization.
- Canonical molecular dynamics.
Only unrestrained calculation mode is at present available for DNA and RNA
- Proteins and peptides:
- Energy minimization.
- Canonical molecular dynamics.
- Replica exchange (REMD) and multiplexed replica exchange molecular dynamics
Both unrestrained and restrained mode is enabled with the MREMD search engine
on the server. Not all restrained simulations are enabled
on the server but can be run with standalone UNRES. Disulfide bridges can
be considered either in the static or variable manner (the latter in MD/MREMD
only). See Input data description for more details.
Energy minimization usually starts from the respective experimental structure
and its purpose is usually to get a coarse-grained structure free from overlaps.
The tutorial showing how to prepare the data for energy minimization for
proteins is available here, for a protein with disulfide briges here and that for nucleic acids is available here.
Canonical molecular dynamics can be started from the respective experimental
structure or from an extended or random-generated structure (subject to the
non-overlap condition). Energy minimization is carried out before the MD
run. The purpose of MD runs is to study the time evolution of a system
or to determine the residue-wise fluctuation profile. Given limited resources
of the server, starts from extended/random structures should be limited to
small systems. The tutorial showing how to prepare the data for molecular
dynamics for proteins is available here and that for nucleic acids is
available here.
The purpose of REMD/MREMD is in-depth conformational search at a range of
temperature. With the UNRES server, each REMD/MREMD calculation is followed
by post-processing with the Weighted Histogram Analysis Method (WHAM) and
cluster analysis to provide a selected number of representative structures
(5 by default) at the selected temperature (280 K by default). A tutorial
showing how to prepare the data for a regular MREMD simulation is available
The following restraints can be used with REMD/MREMD (proteins only):
- Bioinformatics restraints:
- Secondary structure prediction (from PSIPRED, hhpred, etc.).
Two formats are available: the condensed one, where each residue is assigned
a coil, "-", extended, "E", or helix, "H" state or in terms of probabilities
of each of these states of a given residue, the input being the "raw" output
file from PSIPRED or hhpred. See Input data description for more details.
- Whole templates (e.g., the structures provided by the ColabFold of AlphaFold
servers). A number of templates can be input, even quite different ones for
ambiguous predictions. The restraints are the distance and local-geometry
restraints, in the forms of the negative log of the sum of Gaussians centered
at the respective geometric parameters from each of the templates.
- Experimental restraints:
- SAXS/SANS data: the distance distribution. The P(r) (probability distribution)
table has to be copied and pasted into the respective field. Tutorials are
avaiable here and here.
- NMR data: These restraints have to be provided in a file. Three formats: text,
NMR-STAR and NEF are supported; the files from the PDB can be uploaded directly.
See Input data description for more details.
A new feature is the possibiliy of running NMR-restrained simulations in the
time-averaged mode; the respective tutorial is here.
- Chemical cross-link mass spectroscopy (XL-MS) data: the restraints can be input
as flat-bottom-well restraints, statistical pseudopotentials or MD-determined
pseudopotentials. See Input data description for more details.